Tuesday, 20 September 2011


If web sites are to be produced,then a clear understanding of search engine
optimization(SEO) is needed.It is not exactly a science related topic,but differs on the
best work.There are some compulsory guidelines which helps in getting the pages more meaningful in the search engine results. Instructions :
1. It totally depends on common sense i.e., on your own understanding.There is need to depend or follow the experts
advice.If the keyword is repeated several times then it will become difficult to read.As the work is read by users
the content should be in a smooth flowing text which is just attractive and pleasant to read.
2. The basic meta tags in HTML documents is included.some search engines do not use meta tags because
of abuse.The keyword meta tag and description meta tag should be used in minimum.The robots meta tag is used
so that the page is not used in an index manner.
3. A title tag in the head section is constructed so that the keyword appears within it,which is close in the
beginning and include secondary keywords also.And make the title flow naturally.
4. An H1 page title is to be included in the body section which consists of the main key word.
Also include secondary keywords if required,and try to provide the benefits for which the page promotes.
5. A main page keyword is to be included to achieve a density of 2-5 percent.For example if the page consists of
250 words,then the main keyword is used five times to achieve a density of 2 percent.
6. A page has to be constructed so that the main keyword is appeared twice in the first paragraph,once
in the second paragraph and is spread through out the text to achieve the required density.The main page keyword is appeared closely to the beginning of the text,mostly in the very first phrase.
7. The main body text has to be written so that each page contains at least 250 words of text which should be minimum.It mainly depends on the text and the properly developed content apart from images.250-600 words of text will be a good guide.its not too difficult to unders

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