Saturday, 16 February 2013

Blogger Tips And Tricks no 1

Blogger Tips and Tricks | Blogger Latest News | Tips For Professional Blogger | Tips For Blogger Designer | SEO Tips | Tips For Beginner | Link Building Tips
How to Add Google Plus Page to Blogspot Which Shows People Faces
How to Maintain Study and Blogging Together in Smarter Way
Blogadzone Best Alternative of Google Adsense in India
Best PPC Networks for Indian Publishers
List of Best PPC Networks for Blogger.

More Than 1.6 Million Page Views in Two Years from Search Engine
How to Create an Image Ad with HTML Link in Blogspot blog
Google Page Rank Update, Rank 2
How to Get Web Page on Google Search Guaranteed
Why Every Students Must Create A Blog
How to Become Popular Blogger a Case Study
Increase Your Visitors With 20% With Adknowledge Engage And Make Money Too
How Blogging can Change the Future of World? | 5 Reasons to Join for Bloggers | 5 Important Tactics About
List of 31 Blogs to Comment for Quick Backlinks
How a School Student Can Make Money Online?
How a Villager Can Make Money Online from Blogging?
How to Make Money Online from Blog Without Advertisements?
How I Drive Traffic to Blog from Commenting on Other Blogs?
Complete Guide- How to Setup Domain Name of Bigrock for Blogspot
How to Make Money Online in India from blogging?
Why Blogger Should Read Other Blogs to Become Popular Blogger?
Is Blogger Old Interface Will be Remove in the Coming Days?
List of Email Marketing Website
Why College Student Should Start Blogging?
How Helpful for Bloggers
How to Make a Blog Popular on Read a Case Study
Show Bidvertiser Advertisement Below Each Post Title on Blogger
Most Important Gadgets for Bloggers.
Why Blogger Should Not Publish Too Much Post Quickly?
How to Build Most Effective Free Backlinks for Blog?
Why Blogger Should Write An Ebook ???
Make Extra Money From Blog by
How to Drive Traffic to Blog
How To Make Healthy Money From Blog?
Why Blogger Should Be A Good Entrepreneur?
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Tips For Beginner Bloggers.
How Helpful For Beginner Bloggers?
How To Write Article More Interesting Should Know Beginner Bloggers.
3 Important Things Should Know Beginner Bloggers.
How Facebook And Twitter Help Beginner Bloggers To Get Healthy Traffic?
How To Install Realtime Comments Widget For Bloggers?
Why Bloggers Should Go Behind The Article/Post Not Behind Money?
How To Increase Page Views By 20%  For Free For Bloggers?
How Giving Comments On Other Blogs/Websites Are Helpful For Bloggers?
Which Type of Blog/Website Become Popular Quickly?
Blogger Tips- How to Multiple Earning From Blogging
Blogger Realtime Comments:- How to install new updated Comment Coversations?
Advertising for Blogger:-List of Top Advertising Network for Blogger in India
List of Top Affiliates Programs for Indian Website/Blog Owners
Get Free .in Domain from Google With free Hosting
How to get start Blogging video/for new blogger/to create a new blog on blogger
Blogger interface-Blogger introduced updated Blogger interface(Try the updated Blogger interface)
Blogger Tips-How to add recent comments widget to my blog
Blogger SEO-how to get top rank on Search engine of my articles
Know secret how I got 3000 visitors in a day from a single post
Blogger introduced new features upload multiple photos, add location, new page for uploading videos
multiple windows open from one click-Blogger tips.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Blogger Tips And Tricks no 2

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How can I increase traffic of my blog for free 
How can I choose topic for starting blogging 
New dynamic views of my blog, blogspot, blogger 
Why my blog is not visible in Bing Search Engine
How can I add my blog to Bing Search Engine  
How much time will take to visible my blog in Bing search engine 
How can I add page views stat in my blog, blogger, blogspot 
How can I add my blog to Yahoo Search Engine 
How can I add popular posts gadget in my blog, blogger, blogspot 
How much time will take to visible my blog in Yahoo search engine
Why my blog, blogger, blogspot is not visible in Yahoo Search Engine
How can I add blog, blogger, blogspot to google search engine 
Why my blog, blogger, blogspot is not visible in Google Search Engine 
How much time will take to visible my blog, blogger, blogspot in Google Search Engine
How to add scrolling recent posts to my blogger, blogspot,blog
How can I add cricket world cup 2011 score card to my blog, blogspot, blogger
How can I increase width of my blog, blogger, blogspot
How can I get 3 layout templates for my blogger, blogspot, blog
How can I change email id of my blog, blogger, blogspot
How can I become a successful blogger
How Can I Increase Earning From My Blog.
Blogger Tips For Students.
Way To Success For Bloggers.
Biggest Mistake While Blogging.
How Can I Make Drop Down Menu.
How Can I Installed A New Template In My Blog.
Mistakes While Blogging.
How Can I Speed Up My Blog.
How Can I Get Quick Response From My Listners.
How Can I Add Google Adsense On My Blog On
How Can I Remove Navbar From My Blog On
How Can I Remove Blog Title From My Post Titles.
How Can I Change Template Of My Blog On
What Is Lebel In
How Can I Add Search Engine To My Blog.
How Can I Make A Blog.
How Can I Make A Post.
NOTE- If you have any new ideas for bloggers then you can share your ideas with us, simply by giving comments or if you need any other than these you can also ask us by giving comments.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

IMPORTANT SEO Mistakes That Even masters does

With the number of updates Google and the other search engines make to their algorithms, it can be daunting to stay current with best practices for search engine optimization (SEO). Should backlinks still be a priority? What is Google's Penguin update and how can I stop losing traffic because of it?
But no matter how much search engines change their ranking equations, there are a number of basic SEO mistakes you'll want to avoid. Here's a look at the five most common errors and some advice for how you can avoid making them:

1: Links build authority- 

  • Social media – by building up your social media profiles and getting more tweets, likes, and shares, your website will rank higher. Google,yahoo,facebook and Bing have both publicly stated that they look at social signals.
  • Author rank – Google is able to verify authors, which means they can now track who is writing great content, versus mediocre content. So even if your site doesn’t have a ton of links, you’ll probably start seeing it rank higher in the future if you have authors with a lot of authority blogging on your website.
  • Age  although time isn't a factor you can easily control, sites that are older tend to rank higher… even if these older sites don’t have as many backlinks. So if you are considering starting a new business, try to buy an existing website in your space that is at least 3 years old… this will help you rank higher faster.
If you want to rank higher, try to make your website an authority site. Just don’t focus all of your energy on building links, as it isn't the only way to become an authority site.

2: Building too many links- How many links do you need to build to rank for competitive terms? You actually don’t need too many, you more so need time. Slow and steady is what’s winning the race in the SEO game.

If you look at the Wikipedia  not only did they not build too many rich anchor text links, but they also didn’t build too many links.we have done this with competitive keywords and noticed that the easiest way to climb to the top is to not build too many links. More so, just go for authoritative links.
And if you think building a lot of links is better for you, just look at all popular high traffic targeted sites, in which he built 10,000 links within 24 hours. He shot up to a number 1 ranking in Google, but within 2 weeks he was dragged down as he built too many links.
Google’s algorithm is sophisticated because they know what rate websites typically build links at. If your link count is growing at an unnatural pace, you won’t rank too well.

3: Building too many links to your homepage- Have you ever looked at the link profile of the other sites in your space? What portion of their links are from .gov and .edu sites? What portion of their links is going to their homepage versus internal pages?

Instead of building links to your homepage, consider building links to the majority of your internal pages. Just look at Wikipedia, that sites ranks for almost every term out there and it is the 6th most popular site in the world.
Majestic SEO is showing that Wikipedia in total has over 600 million backward links, while the homepage has roughly 6 million links. That means 1% of their total links point to their homepage, while 99% goes to internal pages.
If you want high rankings, consider building more links to your internal pages versus your homepage.
FINAL SUGGESTION:- SEO is a constantly changing game and if you don’t keep up with it, you won’t do well. Don’t focus on the quick hits, slow and steady really does win the SEO race.
What we have personally experienced throughout each Google update is that quality content will continue to rank high and receive traffic. For example, all of my blogs got a nice traffic bump by 15 to 41% on January 1 when Google made their update.

Friday, 18 January 2013


Ever since the first time someone sold something on-line , this idea has been spreading, and, as we all are aware by now, e-commerce is a “thing” now, and more and more people are becoming aware of that. Take a look at the following numbers:

• By the end of 2012, people will have sold about $1 trillion worth of products.

• In 2011, the number of internet users was about 2 billion. Now, it’s about 3.5 billion.
Now, these numbers are very approximate, but, nevertheless, we are talking about extremely high figures. Who would have thought, about 30 years ago, that half the world will be able to communicate, share information, find information, and even shop by sitting at home and clicking on some device, or, better yet, by taking a small device out of our pockets (mobile phones).

Another important thing to note is the fact that the number of social media websites as well as the number of people who use these websites is increasing very rapidly, and with a geometrical progression. Some even have profiles on more than one social media network because different networks offer different options (logically). One can predict that very soon, when you start the computer, the first thing that you will have to do is to create a social media account (I am exaggerating).

These social media websites, apart from enabling you to talk to your relatives that are far away on a daily basis, give almost every business the opportunity to advertise its products on-line. There are businesses that have realized this, and that even now have personnel that are trained, specifically, to do social media marketing. Yes, it is that big a deal. Although there are some products that people, simply will not purchase on the internet (like food and clothing), there are loads of products that are salable  and these unsellable products can most certainly be advertised.
Now, we all know that you cannot use some very popular social media networks to actually sell something, but no one forbids you to use them to get people to your online store, or simply to share information that is relevant for selling whatever it is you are selling.

Note that, for the reason stated above, you will have to have a well-organized and optimized web-site, because, without that, you are next to nothing in the internet world. If you don’t know how to do this, make sure that you have done sufficient research on the matter. Some of your main focus points should be that your website
 . Is attractive;
• Is user friendly;
• Loads fast;
• Is filled with quality content (text, images, video);
• It fits different screen sizes (responsive);
• Has different options for payment (not every country has PayPal
1 Know Your Audience
2 Organize Your Profile
3 Build Your Profile
4 Explore Your Possibilities
5 Be Active 


Released on September 21, 2012 after months of rumors spreading like wildfire, the Apple iPhone 5 features a slimmer, sleeker and lighter design with a larger screen, brighter colors and better sound. While it still supports basic applications, many apps are redesigning themselves in order to better accommodate the newer iPhone 5 functions. Below are the 5 best apps.As the iPhone 5 becomes more popular, many more popular apps will be looking to redesign and revitalize their products in order to adjust to the larger screen, better sound and higher resolution graphics that the phone offers. that have been designed for the iPhone 5 screen.

1. CNN

Now offering a layout that closely resembles CNN‘s tablet app, the CNN app features pull down navigation and stories and videos that alternate in the same space. One of the very first apps redesigned for the iPhone 5 release, the CNN app‘s redesign translates to one extra story on the main menu and about three or four extra lines of text in an individual article. Offering eight frequently updated news stories per section, CNN is a free app.
2. Comixology

The most popular comics-related app available to date, Comixology now offers users the ability to view a full screen preview before opting to read any comic. Use the iPhone 5‘s larger screen to zoom in on panels, an option that works best in portrait mode. In landscape mode, some panels will not go into full screen when viewing horizontally. Even so, the zooming abilities make the app worthwhile. Comixology is a free app.
3. Evernote

Take longer notes and scribble over a larger area with Evernote‘s iPhone 5 optimized app. The larger screen equals out to roughly two more lines worth of notes to read and write. Evernote is popular because it syncs well with other devices, so you can add notes from your laptop, personal computer or tablet and still view them on your iPhone 5 later. The latest version of Evernote also supports sharing your notes via Facebook. Evernote is a free app.
4. Asphalt 7

One of the most popular auto games for the iOS operating system, Asphalt 7 now features a wider screen and faster graphics, allowing for an all-around more enjoyable gaming experience. Load times are faster and the detailed cityscapes in the game are more easily viewable. The iPhone 5‘s wider screen also means that controls are easier to reach and are located on the screen alongside the display. Asphalt 7 costs a one-time fee of 99 cents.
5. Reeder

Undeniably the best RSS feeder app for the iOS system, the iPhone 5 screen now allows you to view more stories at once on Reeder. The larger screen works great for viewing lone articles and makes it much easier to switch back and forth between articles, starring unread ones along the way. Reeder‘s iPhone app is now very close to the size of a regular e-Reader. Reeder costs a one-time fee of $2.99.

Thursday, 17 January 2013


When you know where your traffic comes from, you can pinpoint the most effective ways to promote your business and get new customers.

Find out how people reach you online

When a customer walks into your store, you can greet them by asking, "So how did you find us?" If you want the same insight from customers who visit you online, try the All Traffic report in Google Analytics. It shows you:
Where your visitors are coming from (search engines, social networks, etc.)
How many of them are new vs. returning
How much time people spend browsing your site
So you have your website up and ready, but you don't have any traffic yet. For most sites, search engines are the primary source of traffic, so it's important to let the search engines know that your website exists.
Even if you don't do anything, over time your website will probably get listed on its own. Search engine spiders are constantly crawling the web and will eventually reach your site, but not only does this take a lot of time, it's also unlikely that you'll get a high enough position in the search engine to show up in the first few pages of search results. For this reason, if search engine traffic is important to your site, there are ways you can actively get your site listed and ranking well in search engines to dramatically increase your traffic.
Do note that search engine ranking is not dependent on the server you are on, who is hosting your site, or whether you have a dedicated IP address. InMotion Hosting also does not control how search engines rank your site, as search engines are run by third parties that follow their own policies. If you would like InMotion Hosting to design and optimize your site for search engines, please contact our Managed Internet Presence department for more information.
First, do some research on how search engines work. There are hundreds of reliable articles online that offer tips on search engine optimization.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Seek out radio and podcast interviews

The next step to becoming the person that people want to interview is to hunt down the opportunities. Search for radio hosts or podcasters who need interviews by experts.

Search for “radio + your subject matter” and “podcast + your subject matter” on Google.

Search through the iTunes podcast library.
Search through podcast directories like

Once you’ve identified a radio or podcast host you are interested in, contact them through their websites. Either call or email… whatever you feel most comfortable with. Usually the podcaster will handle all of his own bookings, but the radio show host may have a booking assistant or producer, especially if it is a big radio show. Regardless, don’t be afraid to approach them.
Make the pitch specific to them and their show, highlighting why you being on the show will benefit them…not you. Your goal is to educate or entertain their audiences…not sell your products or services.
And if you can, offer a valuable piece of information in your pitch. This could include original research or an experience you had that would be useful to their listeners.Here’s one final tip: sign up for This free service will send you an email everyday with a list of interview opportunities from podcast, online TV shows, radio, satellite and TV producers who are looking for experts in a particular subject matter.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

How to Become the Person Everyone Wants to Interview

Let’s face it, you always experience a little envy when you see or hear people on television and radio. You wish it was you… in fact, you’ve been working so hard you know that it should be you. But when will your time come?

And the sad part is, you know that when your clients see one of your competitors on television or a podcast and don’t see you they often wonder if they should go with him or her instead.

You need to establish yourself as an expert, and getting interviewed by radio, podcast or TV hosts can help you do just that. So, here is how you can help speed up the process by positioning yourself as a subject matter expert.