Saturday, 5 January 2013

Seek out radio and podcast interviews

The next step to becoming the person that people want to interview is to hunt down the opportunities. Search for radio hosts or podcasters who need interviews by experts.

Search for “radio + your subject matter” and “podcast + your subject matter” on Google.

Search through the iTunes podcast library.
Search through podcast directories like

Once you’ve identified a radio or podcast host you are interested in, contact them through their websites. Either call or email… whatever you feel most comfortable with. Usually the podcaster will handle all of his own bookings, but the radio show host may have a booking assistant or producer, especially if it is a big radio show. Regardless, don’t be afraid to approach them.
Make the pitch specific to them and their show, highlighting why you being on the show will benefit them…not you. Your goal is to educate or entertain their audiences…not sell your products or services.
And if you can, offer a valuable piece of information in your pitch. This could include original research or an experience you had that would be useful to their listeners.Here’s one final tip: sign up for This free service will send you an email everyday with a list of interview opportunities from podcast, online TV shows, radio, satellite and TV producers who are looking for experts in a particular subject matter.

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