Thursday, 14 February 2013

IMPORTANT SEO Mistakes That Even masters does

With the number of updates Google and the other search engines make to their algorithms, it can be daunting to stay current with best practices for search engine optimization (SEO). Should backlinks still be a priority? What is Google's Penguin update and how can I stop losing traffic because of it?
But no matter how much search engines change their ranking equations, there are a number of basic SEO mistakes you'll want to avoid. Here's a look at the five most common errors and some advice for how you can avoid making them:

1: Links build authority- 

  • Social media – by building up your social media profiles and getting more tweets, likes, and shares, your website will rank higher. Google,yahoo,facebook and Bing have both publicly stated that they look at social signals.
  • Author rank – Google is able to verify authors, which means they can now track who is writing great content, versus mediocre content. So even if your site doesn’t have a ton of links, you’ll probably start seeing it rank higher in the future if you have authors with a lot of authority blogging on your website.
  • Age  although time isn't a factor you can easily control, sites that are older tend to rank higher… even if these older sites don’t have as many backlinks. So if you are considering starting a new business, try to buy an existing website in your space that is at least 3 years old… this will help you rank higher faster.
If you want to rank higher, try to make your website an authority site. Just don’t focus all of your energy on building links, as it isn't the only way to become an authority site.

2: Building too many links- How many links do you need to build to rank for competitive terms? You actually don’t need too many, you more so need time. Slow and steady is what’s winning the race in the SEO game.

If you look at the Wikipedia  not only did they not build too many rich anchor text links, but they also didn’t build too many links.we have done this with competitive keywords and noticed that the easiest way to climb to the top is to not build too many links. More so, just go for authoritative links.
And if you think building a lot of links is better for you, just look at all popular high traffic targeted sites, in which he built 10,000 links within 24 hours. He shot up to a number 1 ranking in Google, but within 2 weeks he was dragged down as he built too many links.
Google’s algorithm is sophisticated because they know what rate websites typically build links at. If your link count is growing at an unnatural pace, you won’t rank too well.

3: Building too many links to your homepage- Have you ever looked at the link profile of the other sites in your space? What portion of their links are from .gov and .edu sites? What portion of their links is going to their homepage versus internal pages?

Instead of building links to your homepage, consider building links to the majority of your internal pages. Just look at Wikipedia, that sites ranks for almost every term out there and it is the 6th most popular site in the world.
Majestic SEO is showing that Wikipedia in total has over 600 million backward links, while the homepage has roughly 6 million links. That means 1% of their total links point to their homepage, while 99% goes to internal pages.
If you want high rankings, consider building more links to your internal pages versus your homepage.
FINAL SUGGESTION:- SEO is a constantly changing game and if you don’t keep up with it, you won’t do well. Don’t focus on the quick hits, slow and steady really does win the SEO race.
What we have personally experienced throughout each Google update is that quality content will continue to rank high and receive traffic. For example, all of my blogs got a nice traffic bump by 15 to 41% on January 1 when Google made their update.

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