Released on September 21, 2012 after months of rumors spreading like wildfire, the Apple iPhone 5 features a slimmer, sleeker and lighter design with a larger screen, brighter colors and better sound. While it still supports basic applications, many apps are redesigning themselves in order to better accommodate the newer iPhone 5 functions. Below are the 5 best apps.As the iPhone 5 becomes more popular, many more popular apps will be looking to redesign and revitalize their products in order to adjust to the larger screen, better sound and higher resolution graphics that the phone offers. that have been designed for the iPhone 5 screen.
1. CNN
Now offering a layout that closely resembles CNN‘s tablet app, the CNN app features pull down navigation and stories and videos that alternate in the same space. One of the very first apps redesigned for the iPhone 5 release, the CNN app‘s redesign translates to one extra story on the main menu and about three or four extra lines of text in an individual article. Offering eight frequently updated news stories per section, CNN is a free app.
2. Comixology
The most popular comics-related app available to date, Comixology now offers users the ability to view a full screen preview before opting to read any comic. Use the iPhone 5‘s larger screen to zoom in on panels, an option that works best in portrait mode. In landscape mode, some panels will not go into full screen when viewing horizontally. Even so, the zooming abilities make the app worthwhile. Comixology is a free app.
3. Evernote
Take longer notes and scribble over a larger area with Evernote‘s iPhone 5 optimized app. The larger screen equals out to roughly two more lines worth of notes to read and write. Evernote is popular because it syncs well with other devices, so you can add notes from your laptop, personal computer or tablet and still view them on your iPhone 5 later. The latest version of Evernote also supports sharing your notes via Facebook. Evernote is a free app.
4. Asphalt 7
One of the most popular auto games for the iOS operating system, Asphalt 7 now features a wider screen and faster graphics, allowing for an all-around more enjoyable gaming experience. Load times are faster and the detailed cityscapes in the game are more easily viewable. The iPhone 5‘s wider screen also means that controls are easier to reach and are located on the screen alongside the display. Asphalt 7 costs a one-time fee of 99 cents.
5. Reeder
Undeniably the best RSS feeder app for the iOS system, the iPhone 5 screen now allows you to view more stories at once on Reeder. The larger screen works great for viewing lone articles and makes it much easier to switch back and forth between articles, starring unread ones along the way. Reeder‘s iPhone app is now very close to the size of a regular e-Reader. Reeder costs a one-time fee of $2.99.
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